Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mini Boston Gal Meet

Hey gals! One of the New York gyaru girls, Sayuri (aka lisa) came down to visit so I showed her around town a bit. We went to a few little shops and then decided to go for some bubble tea at TeaDo. 

We ended up playing a bunch of games and stuff. We played Connect 4, Uno and JENGA. lol she is really good at connect 4 cause I kept losing xD luckily I'm ruthless at Uno! hehe We ordered baked salmon onigiri and I got black milk tea and she got green milk tea, I believe.

After we left to go and shop a little bit. First we went in this jewelry shop called So Good downtown. lol She loved the zebra print carpet in there. I'm so happy I was able to pick up a few things but i might have to go backk for some more hime and bgal jewelry and hair clips. Sayrui got a couple things from there as well.
Later we walked in and out of T.J.Maxx and she got some makeup at H&M. they had some really cute matte lipstick colors but i decided to pass on it. maybe next time xD. We ended up going inside a little food court mall, getting setted and fixed up. I'm so happy she brought her Egg magazine (the last official one too!)
We took pictures in a photo booth. It's not purikura but it's something!

(taken from Qween Sayuri)
We hopped on a train and went to central since we have a pretty big H-Mart over there. They have really cute pasties and other food as well as an Asian Supermarket in the back. Sayuri got 3 maracrons and a fruit tart! 

We also took a trip to the Goodwill to see if we could find anything we could "gal"-up. I ended up finding a nice black and white plaid/checkered jacket that I could use for onee, hime or agejo depending on what else I wear with it! I was hyped when I found these white creepers but sadly they were a size too small T^T

After we went home to enjoy all our stuff and I took some more selfies since it was too cold most of the time to take off my jackets and show my outfit. 
Jacket: thrifted 
Shirt: choies
Jeans: unknown 
Shoes: leopard converse/ second hand 

Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 2: 30 day gyaru challenge

Day 08 - A picture of something you wish you were better at 

I really want to get better at girly styles but also hair. I want to be able to do a sujimori well on a wig and better on my own hair too. 

Day 09 – Your wish list. 
*COUGH COUGH* For people to donate to my GOfundme so I can go to DR to help people.
Also a new leather jacket and some matte brown lipstick. Or some Swankiss shoes and some Liz Lisa skirts so I can thin out the black in my wardrobe.

Day 10 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
THESE TWOOO. They have been my mains for the past like 5-6 years. They may not always share the same interests as me but they still support my weird little self and like all my selfies regardless xD

Day 11 – If you could have any dress for free what would it be? 

Bruh. That's a hard question. Weirdly enough, I think it would either be the grey jumpsuit dress by Ghosts of Harlem

or The Misty sky print by Angelic Pretty. lol I know two TOTALLY DIFFERENT looks going on...

Day 12 - A picture of someone who has made a huge impact on your life.

It's corny as hell but probably my mom. I don't really aspire to much but her work ethic and her ability to get things done is AMAZING. It's weird and quirky which most definitely rubbed off on me so yeah (thanks mommy xoxo) lmfao but if I was gonna say a non-corny answer I'd say Tyra Banks because that's been bae since I was like 5yo

Day 13 – Name the best websites for gyarus.
 some of my faves and friends:
there are alot of other blogs I follow and really like but I'm just gonna leave these girls here ^.^

Day 14 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Honestly, this picture is funny because I took my mom's brand new wig and pretended to be a chola xD and this was before I was heavily into gyaru  think. 

Thanks for Reading! <3

February: Recent outfits

But these were some of my favorite outfits this past month

I was trying out some prom dresses with some friends. I don't like them for prom but I did think they were cute!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cute bento box๐ŸŽ’๐Ÿฑ

Hey gals! Since I have been sick inside a lot because of snow and such I have been getting into cooking, mainly sweets and things. I finally decided to put my bento box to good use and make a cute little lunch for myself. 

This is the cute bag it comes in ๐Ÿ’–
This is the container. It has 2 compartments for food and a little space at the top for your chopsticks and maybe sauces. 
This was the original lunch I tried to make. The little bear was supposed to be rilakkuma but I realized I didn't have white cheese or nori to make his face. 
Eventually I just threw it away and put something else in it instead. Everything in the box: grilled cheese and bacon, a coffee cake, grapes, 3 chips ahoy cookies, 2 strawberries and 2 mints

I also made jam a few days ago as well!

๐Ÿ˜Selfie of the day๐Ÿ˜

What kind of stuff would you put in your bento box? Comment below!

Thanks for reading! 

Monday, February 9, 2015


Day 01 – When did you start dressing gyaru? 
I started gyaru a little before freshman year of high school. I had been studying Japanese fashions like Lolita and visual-kei and stumbled upon gyaru. I've been doing it ever since but occasionally i waiver ot other trendy fashions like mori or street fashion.

Day 02 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts  

1. I am Nigerian 
2. I'm 5'2 (maybe 3) 
3. I only one brand item (a DIA jacket)
4. I've been dying my hair since 8th grade. 
5. I've only finished 1 kdrama but I'm half way through 2
6. I'm quiet until I get to know you, then I'm wild and weird. 
7. I have a brother who is also into fashion. 
8. I've wanted to be an artist since I was little. 
9. I like baking because I love sweets!
10. I've been playing volleyball for 3 years
11. I have been to turkey, Kenya, Puerto Rico and I'm going to the Dominican Republic. 
12. I have only been blogging and YouTubeing for a year or two. 
13. This year is my 3rd Anime Boston
14. I worked at Franklin Park Zoo last summer
15. I get really freaked out when people recognize me in the street. 

Day 03 – What’s your best and worst experience with non-gyarus?
My best experiences are always with girls who aren't gyaru who tell me they like my style or that they know about it. It gives me a chance to help them explore the style or learn more about it since there aren't many gyaru where I live. My worst experiences are actually with people who know me very well but know nothing of the style. In my earlier years they would always think my bottom lashes were coming off and would try to tell me how to do my makeup. I was open to criticism but I hated people telling me what to do with my face if they didn't know why. Idk I'm still weird about bottom lashes

Day 04 - A picture of a memorable night

This was my first ( and sadly my only) gyaru meet so far and it was with the gyaru girls in NYC. I have a full blog post about that here

Day 05 – What do you love and dislike about gyaru?  I love that people take so much pride in how they look and feeling great about themselves. It takes a lot to gain the skills and to suit it to your own taste and I find that some people are really good at it! The thing I don't like though is the critical judgement of people's character or when people are all up in others personal lives. The aspect of people not wanting to try as hard or critiquing someone's life choice ex. Being an av gal. I don't think that should be as important as looking and feeling good about yourself. 

Day 06 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

some people might think it's sad but I'd REALLY love to do a group cosplay or make really good looking armor for a costume. It's sort of a test of my own skill to see if i can get to that point in my own art skill and improve myself as well as be surrounded by people who do the same.

Day 07 – Your favourite accessories that you own. 

THIS IS SOOO HARDDDD. I dont think i have one. If anything it might be my coat but that's not really an accessory. I actually don't wear much jewelry or it changes with the style I'm wearing. I'd say my most versatile piece I have is probably my cross earrings that I have been wearing more often.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentine's Day gel nails set

Hey I took the liberty of doing my nails in the first time in a while! I did another Valentine's Day nail set this year using gel nails instead. These broke off so I might do another set before Valentine's day. Anyway I hope you like them as much as I do! If you have any questions about my supplies or how I got these colors just comment! I GOT YOU! <3  

The snapchat aftermath 

lol i'm lame, its my profession. anyway,
Thanks for reading!