Friday, January 31, 2014

A Little Starter Giveaway!

I want to hold a little contest for my Tumblr followers!
I just hit 500+ earlier this week. I was supposed to hold it at 400+ but I was lazy busy and hadn't set it up. So here's the deal:
then there are extras.... 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

OOTD: Pimpin' Princess

Hey Beautiful!
As you guys know, I got this fluffy leopard jacket with bear ears for Christmas. I've been trying to figure out this perfect outfit for it but I couldn't come up with anything thing until Friday. It was sort of one of those, "eff it" sort of days where I got decked out for no reason. These are the outfit pictures!

 All of the accessories :D

And I made a blog link finally!
Thanks for reading! <3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Recent outfits+ improvement (●^3^●)

I've been kinda bummy lately but I think some of these outfit have great potential

This outfit would be really cute for B-Gal if I picked a different top or had more accessories like these outfits. I don't know why  but  really like Letterman jackets when I do B-gal. Next time I'm gonna try those crazy print leggings \(>u<)/

I also did a relaxed rokku look and a goshikku kind of look both of which I LOVED. 

Another outfit I liked but I'm not really sure what gal style it would be is with this. I bought this dress from one of the girls on a gal sales Facebook Community. She was so nice she threw in another dress free!  

I'm going shopping soon so i'll have a nice haul to show you :D
Thanks for reading! <3 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Normies" vs Japanese Fashion

I've been wanting to talk about this for a while because this has become a big thing for me and it's just so aggravating to deal with. Due to the TLC episode of My Strange addiction: I'm a Living Doll, (official pictures here) I've noticed a separation of opinions among people when it comes to Japanese fashion.

I live in an "urban area" so many people I am often surrounded by are very close minded and ignorant to these fashions as well as arrogant for no real reason. I know that not everyone is exposed to the same things. It's hard to learn about something you never learned about but COME ON. We have the internet at our full disposal and of course, the people around us that might know a thing or two. There is no excuse for ignorance and stupidity. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Over the past few decades people have been telling us, "Be yourself!" but when you do others find fault with it. To a degree it's always gonna be that way and you have to have thick skin when it comes to bolder fashions like Gyaru and Lolita because people don't know how to receive it. Some people get confused and think "these people are crazy" "something is wrong with them" but It just makes me angry that people don't believe that fantasy and real life can be the same thing.

People feel the need to tell me how to do my makeup and give me tips as if they don't know I can do normal makeup as well as dress "normal". When I was younger my mom dressed me. She bought me all the cutest stuff and she is fashionable herself. After a while she started letting me pick out what I wanted and let me tell you, even in elementary school kids asked me where I got my clothes. For the most part things haven't changed but now less about about "that's cute! where'd you get it" as opposed to, "Oh my gosh, were'd you even find something like that". It's not necessarily a problem but an observation.

I've been talking to people about how they got into it and stuff like that and I've heard horror stories like girls getting their clothes thrown out or destroyed by their parents. It makes me so angry to realize that some people will never learn how to accept others how they are no matter how "normal" they actually are. When it comes down to it, I don't care and I don't think it should matter much. But of course considering it's the real world, this isn't always acceptable.

While watching the tv special, Emily had gone to get a job in her loli clothes. Now my mom and I agreed that wasn't professional. After talking to the interviewers, it was obvious why they would have issues hiring her. "I have to think about how my customers would react and how that impacts my business." I find this to be totally reasonable! I know many girls of alternative fashion have to tone it down for work. i think this is fair as long as they don't feel stripped of their identity by taking the job. UGHH yeah this is just a long rant about why people are people and not something else >.<

Leave comments about your experience or your opinion on the whole thing! I'd love to hear about it :)