Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 2: 30 day gyaru challenge

Day 08 - A picture of something you wish you were better at 

I really want to get better at girly styles but also hair. I want to be able to do a sujimori well on a wig and better on my own hair too. 

Day 09 – Your wish list. 
*COUGH COUGH* For people to donate to my GOfundme so I can go to DR to help people.
Also a new leather jacket and some matte brown lipstick. Or some Swankiss shoes and some Liz Lisa skirts so I can thin out the black in my wardrobe.

Day 10 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
THESE TWOOO. They have been my mains for the past like 5-6 years. They may not always share the same interests as me but they still support my weird little self and like all my selfies regardless xD

Day 11 – If you could have any dress for free what would it be? 

Bruh. That's a hard question. Weirdly enough, I think it would either be the grey jumpsuit dress by Ghosts of Harlem

or The Misty sky print by Angelic Pretty. lol I know two TOTALLY DIFFERENT looks going on...

Day 12 - A picture of someone who has made a huge impact on your life.

It's corny as hell but probably my mom. I don't really aspire to much but her work ethic and her ability to get things done is AMAZING. It's weird and quirky which most definitely rubbed off on me so yeah (thanks mommy xoxo) lmfao but if I was gonna say a non-corny answer I'd say Tyra Banks because that's been bae since I was like 5yo

Day 13 – Name the best websites for gyarus.
 some of my faves and friends:
there are alot of other blogs I follow and really like but I'm just gonna leave these girls here ^.^

Day 14 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Honestly, this picture is funny because I took my mom's brand new wig and pretended to be a chola xD and this was before I was heavily into gyaru  think. 

Thanks for Reading! <3

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